Understanding Constructors in Python

In Python, a constructor is a special method named __init__() that is automatically called when an object of a class is created. The primary purpose of the constructor is to initialize the instance variables of the object. Let’s delve deeper into the key concepts surrounding constructors in Python.

Features of Constructors:

  1. Special Method (__init__()):
    • The constructor is a special method within a class definition.
    • Its name is always __init__(), and it is used for initializing instance variables.
  2. Initialization of Instance Variables:
    • The primary role of the constructor is to initialize the instance variables of the object.
    • You can pass arguments to the constructor to initialize instance variables with specific values.
  3. Automatic Execution:
    • Constructors are automatically executed when an object of the class is created.
    • You don’t need to call the constructor explicitly; Python handles it for you.
  4. Mandatory First Parameter (self):
    • The constructor must take at least one argument, which is traditionally named self.
    • This parameter represents the instance of the class being created and allows you to access instance variables and methods within the constructor.
  5. Optional Customization:
    • While defining a class, if you don’t explicitly write a constructor, Python provides a default constructor with no arguments and no implementation.
    • However, you can define your own constructor to perform custom initialization based on your requirements.


Let’s illustrate these concepts with some code examples:

class Test: 
def __init__(self):
print("Constructor is being called")

def m1(self):
print('Method is being executed')

t1 = Test() # This creates an instance of the Test class and calls its constructor
t2 = Test() # Another instance, another constructor call
t3 = Test() # And one more
t3.m1() # Calling method m1() on object t3


Constructor is being called
Constructor is being called
Constructor is being called
Method is being executed

In the above example:

  • The Test class has a constructor __init__() and a method m1().
  • When Test() is called, it creates an instance of the class, and the constructor __init__() is automatically invoked.
  • Each time you create an instance (e.g., t1, t2, t3), the constructor is called.
  • t3.m1() calls the method m1() on the object t3.
class Student:
def __init__(self, x, y):
self.name = x
self.rollno = y

def display(self):
print("Name:", self.name)
print("Roll No:", self.rollno)

s1 = Student('Aditya', 1)
sampath = Student('Sampath', 2)
s1.__init__('Test', 3)


Name: Aditya
Roll No: 1
Name: Sampath
Roll No: 2
Name: Aditya
Roll No: 1
Name: Aditya
Roll No: 1

In this example:

  • The Student class has a constructor that initializes the name and rollno instance variables.
  • The display() method prints the student’s name and roll number.
  • Instances s1 and sampath are created with specific name and roll number values.
  • The method display() is called on each object to show their details.
  • Finally, s1.__init__('Test', 3) tries to reinitialize the instance variables of s1, but this is generally not recommended.


Constructors are essential for initializing objects in Python. Understanding their role and usage is crucial for writing efficient and maintainable object-oriented code. By leveraging constructors effectively, you can ensure that your objects are properly initialized and ready for use.

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