The Power of Your Subconscious Mind- Dr.Joseph Murphy


51QTTApN-XL._SX324_BO1,204,203,200_.jpgThe Power of Your Subconscious Mind has been a bestseller since its first publication in 1963, selling many millions of copies since its original publication. It is one of the most brilliant and beloved spiritual self-help works of all time which can help you heal yourself, banish your fears, sleep better, enjoy better relationships and just feel happier. The techniques are simple and the results come quickly. You can improve your relationships, your finances, your physical well-being.

Dr. Joseph Murphy explains that life events are actually the result of the workings of your conscious and subconscious minds. He suggests practical techniques through which one can change one’s destiny, principally by focusing and redirecting this miraculous energy. Years of research studying the world’s major religions convinced him that some Great Power lay behind all spiritual life and that this power is within each of us. ‘The Power of Your Subconscious Mind’ will open a world of success, happiness, prosperity, and peace for you.

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“I have seen the miracles happen to men and women in all walks of life all over the world. Miracles will happen to you, too-when you begin using the magic power of your subconscious“.

The book deals with the power of your subconscious how it can change, mould, design, and fashion up your destiny. It is a habitual and imagery mould, fashion creates your destiny. The book explains about, how a person thinks in his subconscious and how accordingly he evolves. The subconscious plays a major role in making our habits. Only when you determine it in your subconscious it becomes a habit. Our subconscious is the central system for developing ourselves. In this book to unleash the power of our deep conscious, very easy and workable formulas are provided that are very relatable.

The book deals with how small petty beliefs of your subconscious can drastically change our lives. This book has endeavoured to explain fundamental truths of our deepest mind –”the subconscious”. The small day to day beliefs and works evolve own self. The best part about the book it is the language is very simple and can be understood by any age the examples provided can be easily seen in workable life. The reader can easily relate to its own life and enlighten the realm of his subconscious

The book is divided into 20 chapters from chapter The treasure house within you to How to stay young in spirit forever.


“As you sow in your subconscious mind so shall you reap in your body and environment”

“The only path by which another person can upset you is through your own thought”

“Never finish negative statement, reverse it immediately, and wonders will happen in your life”

The book can be simplified in just a few points:

a) Faith is all you need to be HEALED

b) The world you want is what you make it by your own thoughts.

c) Our subconscious has the ultimate power to answer all the problems and deduce all the solutions.

d) Never compel owns subconscious to accept your idea by willpower.

Well, the book is worth to read.




Joseph Murphy was a Divine Science minister and author.

Murphy was born in Ireland, the son of a private boy’s school headmaster and raised a Roman Catholic. He studied for the priesthood and joined the Jesuits. In his twenties, an experience with healing prayer led him to leave the Jesuits and move to the United States, where he became a pharmacist in New York (having a degree in chemistry by that time). Here he attended the Church of the Healing Christ (part of the Church of Divine Science), where Emmet Fox had become a minister in 1931. In the mid-1940s, he moved to Los Angeles, where he met Religious Science founder Ernest Holmes and was ordained into Religious Science by Holmes in 1946, thereafter teaching at the Institute of Religious Science. A meeting with Divine Science Association president Erwin Gregg led to him being preordained into Divine Science, and he became the minister of the Los Angeles Divine Science Church in 1949, which he built into one of the largest New Thought congregations in the country. In the next decade, Murphy married, earned a Ph.D. in psychology from the University of Southern California and started writing. After his first wife died in 1976, he remarried to a fellow Divine Science minister who was his longstanding secretary. He died in 1981.



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